CISC 7512X Final Exam NAME: _______________________ Pick the best answer that fits the question. Not all of the answers may be correct. If none of the answers fit, write your own answer. Answers must be emailed in plain text (no formatting, no attachments). Email must have your full name and "CISC 7512X" at the top. Answers to questions must be clearly marked (question number before each answer), and be in sequence (question 1 should come before question 2, etc.). Email must arrive by 8:00AM on 2021-05-25. For questions below, use the following schema definition. customer(cid, fname, lname, street1, stree2, city, state, zip, dob, ssn) policy(pid, cid, tim, typeid, premium, amnt, termid) incident(iid, pid, tim, cost, covered) It's a schema for an insurance company: Customers pay (premium) for policies that cover a particular type (typeid) of event during a particular term (termid) for upto a certain dollar value (amnt). Incidents (during the policy) have a cost, and may be covered or not. e.g. Bob pays $1k for a $1m policy on lightning strikes for 2021. customer: has Bob's information policy: type is lightning, term is 2021, premium=$1000, amnt is $1000000. Bob gets an electric shock from an outlet (insurance company does not pay; not lightning): incident: type = electric shock, cost $300, covered=no (false). Bob gets a bit hurt by lightning (insurance company covers costs): incident: type = lightning, cost $170000, covered=yes. Bob gets a very hurt by lightning (insurance company pays out max amnt): incident: type = lightning, cost $1000000, covered=yes. 1. (5 points) Find time when policy 235235 was created. a. select tim from policy where cid=235235; b. select tim from policy where pid=235235; c. select * from customer where cid=236235; d. select * from policy left outer join customer using (cid) where pid=235235; e. (write your own answer) 2. (5 points) How many customers bought policies in January 2021? a. select count(*) as cnt from customer natural inner join policy natural left outer join incident where tim>=cast('2021-01-01' as date) and tim=cast('2021-01-01' as date) and tim=cast('2021-01-01' as date) and tim=cast('2021-01-01' as date) and tim e. (write your own answer) 3. (5 points) What percentage of customers had policies during termid=235235 a. select 100.0*sum(case when termid=235235 then 1.0 else 0.0 end)/sum(1.0) prcnt from policy a; b. with dcust as ( select distinct cid from policy where termid=235235 ) select 100.0*sum(cid)/sum(1.0) prcnt from dcust a; c. with dcust as ( select a.cid, min(pid) m from customer a left outer join policy b on a.cid=b.cid and b.termid=235235 group by a.cid ) select 100.0*sum(case when m is not null then 1.0 else 0.0 end)/sum(1.0) prcnt from dcust; d. select 100.0*sum(case when b.termid is not null then 1.0 else 0.0 end)/sum(1.0) prcnt from customer a left outer join policy b on a.cid=b.cid and b.termid=235235; e. (write your own answer) 4. (5 points) Find policies that have not had any incidents. a. select a.* from policy a inner join incident b using (pid) where b.iid is null; b. select a.* from policy a natural left outer join incident b where b.iid is null; c. select a.* from policy a left outer join incident b using (pid) where is null; d. select a.* from policy a cross join incident b where and b.iid is null; e. (write your own answer) 5. (5 points) Find average time (in seconds) between policy creation and first incident. a. select avg( extract( epoch from b.tim - a.tim) ) from policy a inner join incident b on =; b. with diff as ( select extract(epoch from min(b.tim) - a.tim) d from policy a natural inner join incident b group by,a.tim ) select avg(d) from diff; c. with diff as ( select extract(epoch from min(b.tim) - a.tim) d from policy a inner join incident b using (pid) group by,a.tim ) select avg(d) from diff; d. with evts as ( select pid, tim from policy union all select pid, tim from incident ), diff as ( select extract(epoch from lag(tim) over (partition by pid order by tim) - tim) d from evts ) select avg(d) from diff; e. (write your own answer) 6. (5 points) Identify the most popular policy type (most distinct customers). a. with stats as ( select,count(a.cid) cnt, max( count(a.cid) ) over () maxcnt from customer a natural left outer join policy b natural left outer join incident c group by ) select * from stats where cnt = maxcnt; b. with stats as ( select typeid, count(distinct cid) cnt, max( count(distinct cid) ) over () maxcnt from policy group by typeid ) select * from stats where cnt = maxcnt; c. with stats as ( select typeid, sum(1) cnt from policy group by typeid ), stats2 as ( select typeid, rank() over (order by cnt) rnk from stats ) select * from stats2 where rnk=1; d. with stats as ( select typeid, sum(1) cnt from policy group by typeid ), stats2 as ( select typeid, dense_rank() over (order by cnt) rnk from stats ) select * from stats2 where rnk=1; e. (write your own answer) 7. (5 points) Identify customers with most policies for term=124. a. with stats as ( select cid, rank() over ( order by count(distinct pid) desc) r from policy where termid=124 group by cid ) select * from stats where r=1; b. with stats as ( select a.cid, count(distinct cnt from customer a natural inner join policy b where termid=124 group by a.cid ), mx as ( select max(cnt) m from stats ) select * from stats cross join mx where m = cnt; c. with stats as ( select cid, count(*) cnt, min( count(*) ) over () mx from policy where termid=124 group by cid ) select * from stats where cnt = mx; d. select cid from policy where termid=124 group by cid having count(cid) >= all(select count(cid) from customer); e. (write your own answer) 8. (5 points) Customers may have more than one incident. What's the average number of covered incidents do customers with policies have? a. with stats as ( select count(*) cnt from policy a natural inner join incident b where b.covered = true group by a.cid ) select avg(cnt) from stats; b. with stats as ( select a.cid, sum(case when b.iid is not null then 1 else 0 end) cnt from policy a left outer join incident b on and b.covered = true group by a.cid ) select avg(cnt) from stats; c. with stats as ( select a.cid, sum(case when b.iid is not null then 1 else 0 end) cnt from policy a left outer join incident b on where b.covered = true group by a.cid ) select avg(cnt) from stats; d. with stats as ( select distinct cid, iid from policy natural left outer join incident where covered = true ), cnts as ( select count(*) cnt from stats group by cid having count(*) is not null ) select avg(cnt) from cnts; e. (write your own answer) 9. (5 points) What percentage of incidents are covered? a. select 100.0 * sum(case when covered is true then 1 else 0 end) / sum(case when covered is false then 1 else 0 end) prcnt from policy a inner join incident b on; b. select 100.0 * (select count(*) from incident where covered=true)/ (select count(*) from incident where covered=false) prcnt; c. select 100.0*sum(case when a.covered=b.covered then 1.0 else 0.0 end)/sum(1.0) prcnt from incident a cross join incident b where!; d. select 100.0*sum(case when covered=true then 1.0 else 0.0 end)/sum(1.0) prcnt from incident a; e. (write your own answer) 10. (5 points) Find unusually expensive terms (termid) (terms that are 2 standard deviations more expensive than the average cost). a. with stats as ( select termid, sum(b.cost) as cost from policy a natural inner join incident b where b.covered = true group by termid ), stats2 as ( select a.*, avg( cost ) over () avgcost, stddev( cost ) over () sdcost from stats a ), stats3 as ( select * from stats2 where cost >= avgcost+2*sdcost ) select * from stats3; b. with stats as ( select termid, sum(b.cost) as cost, avg( sum(b.cost) ) over () avgcost, stddev( sum(b.cost) ) over () sdcost from policy a inner join incident b on and b.covered = true group by termid ) select * from stats where cost >= avgcost+2*sdcost; c. with tcost as ( select termid, sum(b.cost) as cost from policy a inner join incident b on and b.covered = true group by termid ) select a.* from tcost a group by termid, cost having cost >= avg( cost ) + 2*stddev( cost ); d. with tcost as ( select termid, sum(case when b.covered = true then b.cost else 0 end) as cost from policy a inner join incident b on group by termid having sum(case when b.covered = true then b.cost else 0 end) > 0 ), stats as ( select avg(cost) avgcost, stddev(cost) sdcost from tcost ) select termid from tcost a natural inner join stats group by termid having max(cost) >= max(avgcost)+2*max(sdcost) e. (write your own answer) 11. (5 points) Find unusually profitable terms (terms that are 2 standard deviations more profitable than average: profit is policy premium - payed out costs). a. with profits as ( select termid, sum(a.premium) - sum(b.cost) profit, avg( sum(a.premium) - sum(b.cost) ) over () avgprofit, stddev( sum(a.premium) - sum(b.cost) ) over () sdprofit from policy a inner join incident b -- should be left outer join. on and b.covered=true group by termid ) select * from profits where profit >= avgprofit+2*sdprofit; b. with stats as ( select termid, sum(a.premium) - sum(b.cost) profit, from policy a natural inner join incident b where b.covered = true group by termid ), stats2 as ( select a.*, avg( profit ) over () avgprofit, stddev( profit ) over () sdprofit from stats a ), stats3 as ( select * from stats2 where profit >= avgprofit+2*sdprofit ) select * from stats3; c. with tstat as ( select termid, sum(a.premium) - sum(case when b.covered = true then b.cost else 0 end) as profit from policy a inner join incident b on group by termid having sum(a.premium) - sum(case when b.covered = true then b.cost else 0 end) > 0 ), stats as ( select avg(profit) avgprofit, stddev(profit) sdprofit from tstat ) select termid from tstat a natural inner join stats group by termid, profit, avgprofit, sdprofit having profit >= avgprofit + 2* sdprofit; d. with revenue as ( select termid, sum(premium) rev from policy group by termid ), costs as ( select termid, sum(cost) as cost from policy natural inner join incident group by termid ), profit as ( select a.termid, a.rev - coalesce(b.cost,0) profit from revenue a left outer join costs b on a.termid=b.termid ), stats as ( select avg(profit) avgprofit, stddev(profit) sdprofit from profit ) select * from profit a cross join stats where profit >= avgprofit + 2* sdprofit; e. (write your own answer) 12. (5 points) What is the geometric mean cost of typeid=2 policy? (tip: ) a. select avg(cost) from policy a inner join incident b on and b.covered=true where a.typeid=2; b. select sum(cost)/sum(1.0) from policy a inner join incident b on and b.covered=true where a.typeid=2; c. select exp ( avg ( ln( cost ) ) ) from policy a inner join incident b on and b.covered=true where a.typeid=2; d. select exp ( sum ( ln( cost ) ) ) / sum(1.0) from policy a inner join incident b on and b.covered=true where a.typeid=2; e. (write your own answer) 13. (5 points) Which single-event would be worst for the insurance company for termid=123 (which typeid would cost the most). a. with stats as ( select typeid, sum(amnt) amnt, max( sum(amnt) ) over () mx from policy where termid=123 group by typeid ) select * from stats where amnt = mx; b. with stats as ( select typeid, rank() over (order by sum(amnt) desc) r from policy where termid=123 group by typeid ) select * from stats where r=1; c. select typeid from policy where termid=123 group by typeid having sum(amnt) >= all( select sum(amnt) from policy group by typeid ); d. select typeid, sum(b.cost) tot from policy a inner join incident b on = and b.covered = true group by typeid order by 2 desc limit 1; e. (write your own answer) 14. (5 points) Identify customers ages 30-45 who don't have typeid=234 insurance (term-life-insurance). a. select a.* from customer a natural left outer join policy b where b.typeid=234 and extract(year from age(a.dob)) between 30 and 45 and is null; b. select a.* from customer a left outer join policy b on a.cid=b.cid and b.typeid=234 where extract(year from age(a.dob)) between 30 and 45 and is null; c. select a.* from customer a inner join policy b on a.cid=b.cid and b.typeid=234 where extract(year from age(a.dob)) between 30 and 45 and is null; d. select a.* from customer a full outer join policy b on a.cid=b.cid and b.typeid=234 where extract(year from age(a.dob)) between 30 and 45 and is null; e. (write your own answer) 15. (5 points) Identify most expensive age group for the insurance company (across all policies and terms). Age groups: 10-25, 26-45, 46-65, >65. a. with stats as ( select case when age between 10 and 25 then '10-25' when age between 26 and 45 then '26-45' when age between 46 and 65 then '46-65' when age > 65 then '>65' end as agegrp, sum(c.cost) costs, max( sum(c.cost) ) over () mx from (select a.*, extract(year from age(dob)) as age from customer a) a inner join policy b on a.cid=b.cid inner join incident c on and c.covered=true group by agegrp ) select * from stats where costs = mx; b. with stats as ( select case when age between 10 and 25 then '10-25' when age between 26 and 45 then '26-45' when age between 46 and 65 then '46-65' when age > 65 then '>65' end as agegrp, sum(c.cost) costs, max( sum(c.cost) ) over () mx from (select a.*, extract(year from age(dob)) as age from customer a) a natural inner join policy b natural inner join incident c where c.covered=true group by case when age between 10 and 25 then '10-25' when age between 26 and 45 then '26-45' when age between 46 and 65 then '46-65' when age > 65 then '>65' end ) select * from stats where costs = mx; c. with custage as ( select a.*, extract(year from age(dob)) as age from customer a ), custgrp as ( select a.*, case when age between 10 and 25 then '10-25' when age between 26 and 45 then '26-45' when age between 46 and 65 then '46-65' when age > 65 then '>65' end as agegrp from custage a ) select agegrp,sum(c.cost) costs from custgrp a inner join policy b on a.cid=b.cid inner join incident c on and c.covered=true group by agegrp having sum(c.cost) >= all( select sum(c.cost) from incident); d. with custage as ( select a.*, extract(year from age(dob)) as age from customer a ), custgrp as ( select a.*, case when age between 10 and 25 then '10-25' when age between 26 and 45 then '26-45' when age between 46 and 65 then '46-65' when age > 65 then '>65' end as agegrp from custage a ), stats as ( select agegrp,sum(c.cost) costs, rank() over (order by sum(cost) desc) rnk from custgrp a inner join policy b on a.cid=b.cid inner join incident c on and c.covered=true group by agegrp ) select * from stats where rnk=1; e. (write your own answer) 16. (5 points) Identify suspicious and potentially fraudulent customers; customers who have unusually high chance of incidents. For each customer, calculate number (not dollar amount, but count) of covered incidents, and pick out customers that are 4 standard deviations higher than the mean. a. with stats as ( select a.cid, count(b.*) cnt, avg(count(b.*)) over () avgcnt, stddev(count(b.*)) over () sdcnt from policy a natural left outer join incident b where b.covered = true group by a.cid ) select * from stats where cnt >= avgcnt+4*sdcnt; b. with stats as ( select a.cid, count(b.*) cnt, avg(count(b.*)) over () avgcnt, stddev(count(b.*)) over () sdcnt from policy a left outer join incident b on and b.covered = true group by a.cid ) select * from stats where cnt >= avgcnt+4*sdcnt; c. with stats as ( select a.cid, sum(case when is not null then 1 else 0 end) cnt from policy a left outer join incident b on and b.covered = true group by a.cid ), stats2 as ( select a.*, avg(cnt) over () avgcnt, stddev(cnt) over () sdcnt from stats a ) select * from stats2 where cnt >= avgcnt+2*sdcnt; d. with stats as ( select a.cid, sum(case when is not null then 1 else 0 end) cnt from policy a left outer join incident b on and b.covered = true group by a.cid ), stats2 as ( select avg(cnt) avgcnt, stddev(cnt) sdcnt from stats a ) select * from stats cross join stats2 where cnt >= avgcnt+2*sdcnt; e. (write your own answer) 17. (5 points) Identify suspicious and potentially fraudulent customers; more than 20 different customers (potentially with variation in names and dob), that are registered under the same address and who have a policy of the same type and term. (e.g. "Bob Johnson", "Bob Johns", "Bob Jonson", etc., taking out fire insurance on their house with same address). a. select street1, stree2, city, state, zip, typeid, termid from customer natural inner join policy group by street1, stree2, city, state, zip, typeid, termid having count(*) > 20; b. with stats as ( select a.*, count(*) over (partition by street1, stree2, city, state, zip, typeid, termid order by fname,lname) cnt from customer a inner join policy b on a.cid=b.cid ) select * from stats where cnt > 20; c. select * from customer natural inner join ( select street1, stree2, city, state, zip, typeid, termid from customer natural inner join policy group by street1, stree2, city, state, zip, typeid, termid having count(distinct concat(fname,lname,dob)) > 20 ) a; d. with addr as ( select street1, stree2, city, state, zip, typeid, termid, count(*) cnt from customer a inner join policy b using (cid) group by street1, stree2, city, state, zip, typeid, termid having count(*) > 20 ) select * from customer natural inner join addr; e. (write your own answer) 18. (5 points) Below query is identical to: select a.*,b.val c from T1 a left outer join T2 b on a.key=b.key and a.val!=b.val a. with TMP as ( select a.*,b.val c from T1 a inner join T2 b on a.key=b.key where a.val!=b.val ) select a.*,b.c from T1 a left outer join TMP b on a.key=b.key; b. select a.*,b.val c from T1 a inner join T2 b on a.key=b.key and a.val!=b.val; c. with TMP as ( select a.*,b.val c from T1 a left outer join T2 b on a.key=b.key where a.val!=b.val ) select a.* from TMP where a.val!=b.val; d. All of the above queries are identical. e. None of the queries are identical to the question. 19. (5 points) Find customers who have more than 10 policies? a. select cid,count(*) from policy group by cid having count(*) > 10; b. select a.cid,count(*) from customer a inner join policy b using(cid) group by a.cid where count(*) > 10; c. select b.cid,count(*) from customer a left outer join policy b on a.cid=b.cid group by b.cid having count(*) > 10; d. select cid,sum(case when b.cid is not null then 1 else 0 end) from customer a left outer join policy b using (cid) group by cid having sum(case when b.cid is not null then 1 else 0 end) >= 10; e. (write your own answer) 20. (5 points) Find customers who have less than 5 policies. a. select cid,count(*) from policy group by cid having count(*) < 5; b. with outerunion as ( select cid,count(*) cnt from policy group by cid ) select * from outerunion where cnt < 5; c. select a.cid,count(*) from customer a inner join policy b using(cid) group by a.cid having count(*) < 5; d. select cid,sum(case when b.cid is not null then 1 else 0 end) from customer a left outer join policy b using (cid) group by cid having sum(case when b.cid is not null then 1 else 0 end) < 5; e. (write your own answer)