hotel(hotelno*,hotelname,city) room(roomno*,hotelno*,type,price) booking(hotelno*,guestno*,datefrom*,dateto,roomno) guest(guestno*,guestname,guestaddress) (a) Write create table statement for one of the tables above. Use your best judgement for data types. Write at least 1 insert, update, delete statement for any of the above tables. create table hotel ( hotelno int, hotelname varchar(20), city varchar(20), primary key(hotelno) ); insert into hotel (hotelno,hotelname,city) values (1,'Marriott','New York'); update hotel set hotelname='Hilton' where hotelno=1; delete hotel where hotelno=1 (b) List the names and addresses of all guests with bookings for a hotel in London, alphabetically ordered by name. select g.guestname,g.guestaddress from guest g,booking b,hotel h where g.guestno = b.guestno and b.hotelno = h.hotelno and = 'London' order by g.guestname (c) What is the average price of a room? select avg(price) from room (d) What is the lost income from unoccupied rooms at the Grosvenor Hotel? select a.hotelno, a.amnt - b.amnt as lostamnt from ( select h.hotelno,sum(r.price) as amnt from room r,hotel h where r.hotelno = h.hotelno and h.hotelname = 'Grosvenor Hotel' ) a, (select h.hotelno,sum(r.price) as amnt from booking b, room r, hotel h where b.datefrom <= NOW() and (b.dateto is null OR b.dateto > NOW()) and b.hotelno = r.hotelno and b.roomno = r.roomno and r.hotelno = h.hotelno and h.hotelname = 'Grosvenor Hotel' group by h.hotelno ) b where a.hotelno = b.hotelno (e) What is the most commonly booked room type for each hotel in London? select h.hotelno, r.type, count(b.roomno) as cnt from booking b, hotel h, room r where b.hotelno = h.hotelno and b.hotelno = r.hotelno and b.roomno = r.roomno = 'London' select a.hotelno, a.type, a.cnt from ( select h.hotelno, r.type, count(b.roomno) as cnt from booking b, hotel h, room r where b.hotelno = h.hotelno and b.hotelno = r.hotelno and b.roomno = r.roomno = 'London' ) a, (select h.hotelno, r.type, count(b.roomno) as cnt from booking b, hotel h, room r where b.hotelno = h.hotelno and b.hotelno = r.hotelno and b.roomno = r.roomno = 'London' ) b where a.hotelno = b.hotelno group by a.hotelno, a.type, a.cnt having a.cnt = max(b.cnt) (f) Which hotel has the most lost income from unoccupied rooms? hotel(hotelno*,hotelname,city) room(roomno*,hotelno*,type,price) booking(hotelno*,guestno*,datefrom*,dateto,roomno) guest(guestno*,guestname,guestaddress) select top 1 a.hotelno, a.amnt - b.amnt as lostamnt from ( select h.hotelno,sum(r.price) as amnt from room r,hotel h where r.hotelno = h.hotelno group by h.hotelno ) a, ( select h.hotelno,sum(r.price) as amnt from booking b, room r, hotel h where b.datefrom <= NOW() and (b.dateto is null OR b.dateto > NOW()) and b.hotelno = r.hotelno and b.roomno = r.roomno and r.hotelno = h.hotelno group by h.hotelno ) b where a.hotelno = b.hotelno order by a.amnt - b.amnt DESC in SQL Server: to get first 10 results you'll do: select top 10 from blah where glah in Oracle: to get first 10 results you'll do: select ... from blah where glah and rownum <= 10; 2. (10 pts) Explain how the GROUP BY clause works. What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING clauses? group by... groups :-) having is the same as where, except it applies to groups defined by the group by thingie. 3. (10 pts) Construct an E-R diagram for a school (ie: your college), that has a set of students, faculty, courses, sections, registration, etc., Document all assumptions that you make about the mapping constraints. Tip: Take some time to think about it. List “objects” and “events” in your design (from above questions). ---------- | blah | <----- E-R ---------- | | | |------------- something |________| 4. (20 pts) Repeat previous question only using UML. ---------- | blah | <----- UML ---------- | | | |------------- something |________| (20 pts) For the following, use: branch-name loan-number amount Downtown L-170 3000 Redwood L-230 4000 Rerryridge L-260 1700 loan customer-name loan-number Jones L-170 Smith L-230 Hayes L-155 borrower (a) Show result of “loan inner join borrower”. Downtown L-170 3000 Johnes L-170 Redwood L-230 4000 Smith L-230 (b) Show result of “loan left outer join borrower”. Downtown L-170 3000 Johnes L-170 Redwood L-230 4000 Smith L-230 Rerryridge L-260 1700 NULL NULL (c) Show result of “borrower right outer join loan”. Johnes L-170 Downtown L-170 3000 Smith L-230 Redwood L-230 4000 NULL NULL Rerryridge L-260 1700 (d) Show “loan full outer join borrower using (loan-number)”. Downtown L-170 3000 Johnes L-170 Redwood L-230 4000 Smith L-230 Rerryridge L-260 1700 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Hayes L-155 6. (10 pts) Assume that you are responsible for selecting a new DBMS product for a group of users at your organization. To undertake this exercise, you must first establish a set of requirements for the group and then identify a set of features that a DBMS product must provide to fulfill the requirements. Describe the process of evaluating and selecting the best DBMS product. I'd do blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and a bit of glah glah glah glah glah with maybe some of meh.